Stress, Trauma &
Wellness Coaching
Stress, trauma, and wellness coaching is designed for those seeking relief from accumulated stress and traumas that limit their life experience as well as a platform to learn tools to up level health and wellness in order to live healthy, thriving, and vital lives. With this integral space inside of you cleared of accumulated stress and traumas, there is limitless potential to begin sharing your purpose and authentic gifts with the world. We are here every step of the way to support you in this total transformation.
In these coaching sessions, awareness will be directed to areas of the body and energy field that hold stress and trauma. Through the gentle fluidity of conscious-connected breathing, there will be the opportunity to let go of the dense energies of stress and trauma, and to welcome vitality to flow once again.
Conscious-connected breathing invites an open, flowing breath. Since the way we breathe is a direct reflection of how we experience life, when the breath is fluid, one feels open and in the flow. Conversely, when the breath is restricted, life too feels sticky and restrained. Over time, restricted breath patterns have many adverse effects on our health, including anxiety, chronic stress, fatigue, disease, auto-immune disorders, etc. With just a few simple adjustments, your current of natural, vital breath can flow once again! Say yes to the breath, and begin breathing well today!
All sessions provide instrumental sounds to bring a sense of peace and balance to the experience. Sessions will be offered live, in-person and on video.
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